

Feed Me, Need Me (Part 2): A Primer on Jobs Distribution

We’re back with Part 2 of our 2-part primer on jobs feeds. This week we’re talking about distribution. Need to catch up and read Part ...

Feed Me, Need Me (Part 1): A Primer on Curating a Jobs Backfill

A lot of you who are starting or in the midst of running a job board want to learn more about or make better use ...

Pieces of the Puzzle for Job Board Success

Whether you are about to launch a new job board venture or you’re an industry veteran, it’s common to feel like success is a puzzle ...

3 Mistakes Job Board Owners Make

The days of “build it and they will come” are gone for online-based businesses, if they ever existed. Older job boards in particular seem to ...

Why Recruiters Should Consider Adding a Job Board

We’ve talked about the sometimes blurred lines that distinguish between job boards, aggregators, and recruitment companies, as well as how their technology and business needs ...

Why Job Board Owners Need a CRM

A CRM tool, system, or software, is one that manages customer contacts and their information, like a phone book or a rolodex (yeah, yeah, even ...